
I loved doing this Book Club Girl Facebook Live with my editor, executive editor May Chen from William Morrow/HarperCollins about my debut novel Christmas Camp. Working with May and her talented and extremely hard working team has been a phenomenal as we’ve all had to work overtime to get the Christmas Camp novel out in a crash publish situation.

It started with me writing the original screenplay for Christmas Camp and selling that movie to a major network and when it went into production I knew there was so much more of the story I still wanted to tell.

After writing Christmas Camp the novel I did the sequel, Christmas Camp Wedding, the novella coming out January 9th, and then truly believed in how much the Christmas Camp concept could help people, found a way to bring the movie and novels to real life, partnering with a long time favorite AAA Five-Diamond resort, The Phoenician, in Scottsdale, Arizona.

How did it all happen?

You can watch here LINK TO FB LIVE and follow on social media and I’ll be happy to answer any follow up questions!

Happy Christmas Camp!

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