

‘Tis the season that I start living up to my ‘Christmas Karen’ name and start doing non-stop giveaways to help share the Christmas spirit and celebrate my Christmas projects coming out. This year at the top of my Christmas Nice List are my two new...

“Christmas Karen” Facebook Live Giveaway of Christmas Cheer!

‘Tis the season and I’m celebrating the release of my new novel A Royal Christmas Fairy Tale with ThriftBooks doing an amazing FACEBOOK LIVE giveaway event! Trust  me, you don’t want to miss this one because we’re giving away a “Christmas...

Karen Schaler Holds Christmas Camp® at RomaDrama Romance Convention

I couldn’t be more excited to hold my first Christmas Camp® exclusive experience for 2021 at a new exciting event July 30th to Aug 1st in Nashville called RomaDrama LIVE. Think Comic-Con for Romance lovers that’s being held at The Factor at Franklin....

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